We are Hitchen Legal, a boutique legal recruitment agency with a big personality

Our personable style and ample experience within the legal recruitment sector makes us the number one choice for those seeking a more comprehensive service that integrates the human element into the search formula. At Hitchen Legal we understand that contented professionals are the foundations of solid teams, which in turn, are the backbone of successful businesses.

"The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it".

Tony Dungy

We work tirelessly beside you to help you achieve your goals, treating you as an individual with their own aspirations. We will listen attentively to your vision and devise a tailor made solution for your career or your business. Our reputation has been built upon our ability to listen and offer honest, reliable and impartial advice with the ultimate aim of helping people find happiness and fulfilment in their careers. This is our philosophy. All our relationships are based on trust and you will realise when talking to us, we put you and your career first. 

"Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team".

John C. Maxwell

A successful team is built largely upon the strengths and skills of each individual within a group, and their ability to work in perfect harmony towards a single goal. With the right mixture of expertise, personality fit and enthusiasm you will assemble the ideal team. 

However this takes more than simple CV reviewing. In fact, a large part of our job consists in understanding the culture within a business, as well as our clients' vision, in order to construct a detailed picture of the ideal team member. We then buy into your concept and rigorously search the market to find that perfect balance between skill-set and personality fit, giving you a concise selection of only the best professionals in the field.

 At Hitchen Legal we will always strive to add solidity to your long term plans.

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." 

Andy Warhol

Deciding to take a step outside your comfort zone can be an exciting, yet nerve racking experience, particularly when faced with the challenge of choosing which direction to take your next step. It can be a difficult task when presented with so many options, yet so little information and support to get through this process with the necessary confidence to make the move. 

 We are here to guide you through that process, helping you take a long term view on your career when advising you. Since we spend a huge portion of our lifetime at our jobs, a large determining factor in people’s levels of happiness is feeling a sense of fulfilment at work. Our mission, thus, is to turn a candidate into a contented professional. 

The Team

Kate Hitchen

"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen."

Ernest Hemingway

The hardest challenge a recruitment agency faces, is convincing a potential client or candidate on why should they entrust perfect strangers to support them through a process of choosing the best path for their career, or finding the next best addition to a team. From the client and candidate perspective, the difficulty lies in whom and what to believe.  

 What makes us stand out from our competitors is our empathetic philosophy and straight talking style. Listening attentively to your desires and ambitions, and seeing it from your perspective allows us to narrow down our searches in order to deliver the most relevant results at all times. However we also believe honesty to be our best policy, and we are not afraid to communicate in a straightforward manner if we perceive your expectations to be somewhat unrealistic, compared to the facts on the ground. Telling you what you want to hear, instead of what you need to hear, won't add value to your career or business. At Hitchen Legal our commitment is with you, supporting you in making the right decisions to achieve success in every step of the way and, ultimately, happiness. 

 Because we love what we do, choose Hitchen Legal.  

Interested in working together? Here's our contact info.

Hitchen Legal

1st Floor, Holborn Gate

330 High Holborn

London, WC1V 7QT

+44 (0) 203 174 2353

